The Best .EML Viewer Software for Your Needs

Are you looking for the best way to open .eml emails on your Windows computer?  You are probably finding are a wide range of choices, from a free software to online viewers, to professional desktop software that can convert .eml to .pdf files and lots of other formats. They all work a little differently, come with different capabilities and support.  Some, unfortunately,  are not  worth the free price and come from questionable sources.

If you are engaged in the hunt to find the best .eml viewer for your needs, then this article is for you. We will look at different options, some of them free, beginning with the most simple .eml viewer, then moving into more capable options.

Free .Eml Viewer

Thunderbird is a free email client that can open .eml files. It requires setting up a full email client, but if you have the time it is a good option. We prefer the portable edition.

Online .Eml Viewer

If you have just a few .eml files and you want to see read them without installing any special software, try Encryptomatic LLC’s free online .eml viewer.  Just upload your file and in seconds it will appear in our web browser. You can then download the file attachments or print it.

Screen shot of the free .eml online file viewer. "Upload and View a .Eml, .Msg or winmail.dat message."
Online .Eml


MessageViewer Lite

Windows users who want a simple way to open .eml files should try MessageViewer Lite. After a quick installation, you can open .msg and .eml files by clicking on them. The message will then appear, and you can print it and open the email file attachments. Outlook is not required to use MessageViewer Lite. The integration with the Windows file system makes this an easy solution to use.  MessageViewer Lite can also be deployed in a Citrix enterprise environment, making it an excellent companion to CRM systems that store .eml files as records.  The cost is $24.99 and a free trial is available on the product home page.

Screen shot of an email displayed in MessageViewer Lite .eml file viewer. Access email attachments without Outlook.
Simple .Eml viewer for Windows.


PstViewer Lite

Pst Viewer Lite is a capable and affordable Windows email viewer that opens .eml, .msg, .ost and .pst email files. Search email and print. Microsoft Office Outlook is not required. Export a .eml files to .pdf format, or reply/forward the .eml file using your email client. For just $29.99, PstViewer Lite brings more capabilies than just .eml viewing. [Update: PstViewer Lite is now free for personal use]

Screen shot of .eml file viewer, PstViewer Lite.
PstViewer Lite .eml file viewer

Eml Viewer Pro

The most capable and advanced .eml viewer on the market, Eml Viewer Pro is capable of managing folders with thousands or .eml files, as well as .msg, .ost and .pst files.  Eml Viewer Pro will organize your .eml files from nested folders and display them in an organized mail list.  You can search through your .eml files without an indexing delay.  Microsoft Outlook is not required if you need to work with those email file types.

Bulk exporting and conversion of .eml files to pdf, mbox (Thunderbird), Csv (Excel), or even .ODT (Word/LibreOffice) documents is supported. You can also bulk print .eml files to a physical or virtual printer.

Eml Viewer Pro is $79.99.

Screen shot of Eml Viewer Pro .eml file viewer for Windows showing an email rendered on the main menu.
Eml Viewer Pro .eml file viewer and converter

Thanks for reading. We hope this article helps you on your way to discovering the best .eml viewer to meet your specific needs.  If you have any questions please post them in the comments, or email supportline at, or use live chat system on this web site.  We are always glad to help.

How to Convert Multiple .EML Emails Into A Single PDF File

PDF Logo

EMLViewer Pro is a Windows software tool for managing and converting .eml files. One of its core capabilities is converting from .eml to .pdf format.  Some of our earlier articles have focused on this capability in detail, and today we’re going to focus specifically on creating a single pdf file that contains multiple .eml email files.

When converting many .eml’s into one .pdf, you’ll need remember that the resulting PDF can get quite large. Be sure that you have plenty of space available on your hard drive.

The first step in our process is to start EmlViewer Pro, or it’s twin, PstViewer Pro. Since the two software packages have merged, they now contain identical capabilities to manage .eml.  You can download a free trial of EmlViewer Pro here and follow along.

From the folder navigation on the left side of the EmlViewer Pro interface, clck on the folder containing your .eml files.  EmlViewer Pro will then load the emails into a list, where you can sort or search for the messages you want to convert to pdf.

Now tell EmlViewer Pro which emails you want to move into a single PDF file. You can select individual emails from the list. To select them all, click on the first one in your list and then do a CTRL-A on your keyboard to select all of the messages. When a message is selected, it will have a blue highlight.

EmlViewer Pro .eml file viewer with messages selected.

The last step is to tell EmlViewer Pro which profile to use by selecting it from the drop down list on the Export tab in the main toolbar. There are 3 options provided for exporting .eml into a single .pdf:

Screen shot shows how to select the .eml file to single .pdf export profile in EmlViewer Pro.
Choose the best Eml-to-PDF export profile for your project

Single PDF – attachments embedded. This option includes email file attachments as separate files within the .pdf. They can extracted later from the PDF using PDF viewing software.

Single PDF – attachments saved to disk.  Converts .eml files into a single PDF, but attachments are saved to your hard drive, outside of the PDF.

Single PDF – attachments converted/included.  EmlViewer Pro attempts to convert the attachments into images that are displayed within the PDF file. It can convert many of the most common and popular image and document files. If it is unable to convert a file, then it defaults to embed the file within the PDF.

By now, you have selected your emails and chosen the best export profile for your project.  All that’s left to do is click the “Export” button and start the  conversion operation. EmlViewer Pro may prompt you to choose a file name for the .PDF file.

The amount of time it takes to convert the .eml files to .pdf will vary by the number of emails you need to convert, the size of the emails, file attachment sizes and types, and whether the .eml files have embedded graphics. If the image files are hosted on a server, EmlViewer Pro will attempt to download them and render the email.  All of these factors will impact how quickly the operation will complete.

The converted eml emails will appear in the .pdf with the traditional header information at the top of each email, which includes From, Sent Date, To, Subject, and any file attachments.

Image shows part of a .eml file that was converted into a .pdf file.
.Eml file converted to .pdf

We hope this short tutorial and EmlViewer Pro will help you accomplish your goal today. Thanks for reading. Click here for more information on EmlViewer Pro, including purchase and a free trial download.