View and Search A Folder With Thousands of .EML Files with EmlViewer Pro

Software screenshot.

It is not uncommon to encounter .EML email files on the internet. .Eml files are individual email messages. Email client applications like Thunderbird, Windows Mail, Outlook Express and Lotus Notes will create  .eml files while exporting an email message from the main mail store.    If you’re the kind of person who prefers to keep a complete history of important email messages, you may find that you’ve accumulated hundreds or thousands of .Eml files.

A desktop icon shaped like an envelope with EML written on it.
While .eml files are easy to open individually, managing thousands or tens of thousands of them at a time can present some challenges. Despite their commonality, few email applications import them directly, and fewer if any can manage a folder filled with .eml files.

Eml Viewer Pro is a Windows email file viewer that is specially designed for .eml files and other email formats including .msg, winmail.dat, and even Outlook .pst and .ost files.  With Eml Viewer Pro, you can view and search a directory of .eml files. You can even mix email content, such as .msg and .eml emails, and view them together in the same list.

Image shows an html email rendered in EmlViewer Pro email viewer software for MS Windows.
Eml Viewer Pro main screen

To use Eml Viewer Pro, first download and install the software on your Windows 8/7/Vista or XP computer.  Using the explorer on the left-hand side of the screen, click on the folder containing your .eml or .msg email files.  When it detects email files in the selected folder, Eml Viewer Pro will organize the messages in the mail list.  Messages may be column sorted by sender, recipient, date, file type and more.  You also add additional email fields, rearrange or remove fields from the list, depending on your needs.

Image shows how to customize the Eml Viewer Pro mail list.
Customize the email list fields

Now that your .eml files are in the mail list, you can search them. There are two ways to search a folder with .eml files: Quick Search and Advanced Search.

Quick search location in the Eml Viewer Pro toolbar
Eml Viewer Pro Quick Search

Quick search is a field along the top of the software. Type your query, hit enter, and all of the .eml files will be searched for a match across all of the fields.  Messages that match the search are shown in the mail list.

Search a .eml mail store for specific emails with Advanced Search.
Advanced search for locating .eml files

Advanced search gives you more control over the search parameters. For example, you can restrict your search to emails that were sent or received between certain dates, or search only specific fields.
Any messages matching the search will be displayed in the mail list.

A very useful feature for people who work with email in the legal field is the ability of Eml Viewer Pro to export .eml files to .pdf.   Eml Viewer Pro can bulk convert your .eml emails to PDF in a variety of ways and provides important options for handling file attachments.  Eml file attachments may be extracted to a folder, embedded within the pdf, and many common files can even be converted directly into the PDF image.  The PDF/A email archiving standard is also supported.

Download a free trial of Eml Viewer Pro, and start enjoying the convenience of managing your .eml emails in style.


Eml Reader: Using Eml Viewer Pro .eml File Viewer

Screen image of eml file viewer.

Files with the .eml extension are individual email files created by a Windows email client such as Mozilla Thunderbird or Outlook Express. .Eml files are formatted according to a published standard known as RFC-822.  Opening these files is as easy as  installing email client software; this will allow you to open them individually by clicking on the files.

If you have thousands of .eml files, and you want to search them, or convert them to a different format (.pdf, .mbox, etc), then a more powerful and specialized software application like EML Viewer Pro (also known as PstViewer Pro) can be a big help to your project.

Image shows the main page of Eml Viewer Pro software, with emails in a list.
Eml Viewer Pro opens .eml files

Eml Viewer Capabilities

Eml Viewer Pro provides quick view or full screen viewing capabilities.  Paging through the emails in the mail list will preview the message.  You will be able to view the .eml files in their full html or text formatting.  Hosted graphics are downloaded and displayed in the message.  Double clicking on an email in the list will open it in full screen view for easy reading. You can have multiple emails open in full screen view.

Email Search

Eml Viewer Pro can search all of the messages in your list. You may have dozens or thousands of .eml files, and Eml Viewer Pro will search across them all for your criteria.

Image shows the advanced search screen in Eml Viewer Pro software.
Searching .eml files

You can set a date range for the search, or search across common email fields such as To, From, CC, or find specific words or phrases in the text of the email.

The results are displayed in the mail list, so that you can export them or otherwise manage them according your project requirements.

Exporting .EML Files

Dozens of export profiles are included in Eml Viewer Pro. These profiles are instruction sets that help you accomplish specific tasks, such as exporting your selected .eml fiels into pdf format.  Many different formats are included, such as HTML, MHT, Text, MBOX, PNG, TIF, GIF, PDF, etc.

To export messages, first select the .eml files you want to convert from EML Viewer Pro’s mail list.  Next, choose the export profile from the drop down list (see below).  To convert to PNG image format, for example, select PNG from the drop down list.

Start the export process by clicking the “Start button” (see the pointer in the image below).

Image shows Eml Viewer Pro export profile menu, with PNG export profile selected.
Eml Viewer Pro export profile drop down list


.EML to PDF Conversion

PDF is a highly popular format for preserving email messages.  Because of this, the software developers have given  Eml Viewer Pro special functionality for eml to pdf export.

Eml Viewer Pro can select export .eml files into the PDF/A email archival standard, which embeds the html fonts directly into the PDF file for accurate rendering, preserving the original look of the email.

.Eml files can be converted into separate pdf files, or you can export multiple .eml files into a single large pdf file.

File attachments are always an important consideration when exporting email to pdf.  Eml Viewer Pro has the ability to extract file attachments and save them to a folder on your hard drive, or you can embed the file attachments within the PDF file so they can be extracted later.  You can also tell Eml Viewer Pro to attempt to convert the attachment into an image so it is visible inside of the PDF. If the attachment is not convertible, then it will be converted.

Download an Eml Reader Free Trial

You can try Eml Viewer Pro free for 15 days. Download a free trial, and see how Eml Viewer Pro can help you manage your .eml email content.