Using EML Viewer Pro To Read .EML Files

Screen image of eml file viewer.

A .eml file viewer will let you open email files created by applications like Winmail and Outlook Express. But what if you need to open other types of email files, such as Outlook .pst or .ost files or .msg files? Will you need to install three more software packages to be able to access the email stored within those files?

Now there is an email viewer available that allows able to manage multiple email formats while providing a single view across all of your different email content formats.

EML Viewer Pro by Encryptomatic LLC is an advanced email viewer. It is in use in many enterprise environments, and is available as a .msi installer package.  It is also easy enough to use that it can be used by small business and home users to manage their email.

EML Viewer Pro is also capable of reading not only .eml formatted email messages, but also Outlook .pst  and .ost files and .msg files. EML Viewer can display emails that are formatted as html, text or rich text files.  It can also convert all of these types of email formats into PDF files, including the file attachments.

All emails are not created equally. In fact, some are quite complex files. They can include html rich text, file attachments, and embedded pictures. One of the areas where email viewers often fall short is in dealing with OLE embedded objects within the email. Writing software code to handle these situations is very difficult and prone to errors, and as a result these objects are often not shown correctly, are inaccessible, and omitted during the rendering of the email.  PstViewer Pro excels at rendering these difficult emails, the product of years of experience and testing across millions of email.

Click here to download a 15 day free free trial of EML Viewer Pro.

What are Winmail.dat files and How Do I Open Them?

Sometimes an e-mail message might arrive in your inbox with a “winmail.dat” file attachment.  You might find that that you are unable to open it. Why does this happen?
Sometimes messages sent from the Microsoft Outlook e-mail client or Microsoft Exchange server have Rich Text Formatting (RTF) that your e-mail client does not understand. E-mails with RTF display different text styles, fonts and colors. The winmail.dat file contains the RTF information for the message, but usually will not open normally. 
Usually what happens is that your e-Mail client will display the message text, while the the RTF formatting remains in the Winmail.dat file attachment.  If you could open the RTF message, you would see email with the same text but different formatting.
You could ask the sender to only send to you in plain text formatting, and then there would be no winmail.dat file attachments.
Another option for Windows users (besides purchasing Microsoft Outlook) is to download a viewer program like MessageViewer Lite by Encryptomatic LLC.  MessageViewer Lite can display the contents an formatting of the winmail.dat file. MessageViewer Lite is us$24.95. A free 15 day trial is available.
MessageViewer Lite viewer opens winmail.dat files.
MsgViewer Lite, the Winmail.dat viewer for MS Windows.
MessageViewer Lite also opens Outlook .msg emails, and .eml email files, all in addition to Winmail.dat files.
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