Using EML Viewer Pro To Read .EML Files

Screen image of eml file viewer.

A .eml file viewer will let you open email files created by applications like Winmail and Outlook Express. But what if you need to open other types of email files, such as Outlook .pst or .ost files or .msg files? Will you need to install three more software packages to be able to access the email stored within those files?

Now there is an email viewer available that allows able to manage multiple email formats while providing a single view across all of your different email content formats.

EML Viewer Pro by Encryptomatic LLC is an advanced email viewer. It is in use in many enterprise environments, and is available as a .msi installer package.  It is also easy enough to use that it can be used by small business and home users to manage their email.

EML Viewer Pro is also capable of reading not only .eml formatted email messages, but also Outlook .pst  and .ost files and .msg files. EML Viewer can display emails that are formatted as html, text or rich text files.  It can also convert all of these types of email formats into PDF files, including the file attachments.

All emails are not created equally. In fact, some are quite complex files. They can include html rich text, file attachments, and embedded pictures. One of the areas where email viewers often fall short is in dealing with OLE embedded objects within the email. Writing software code to handle these situations is very difficult and prone to errors, and as a result these objects are often not shown correctly, are inaccessible, and omitted during the rendering of the email.  PstViewer Pro excels at rendering these difficult emails, the product of years of experience and testing across millions of email.

Click here to download a 15 day free free trial of EML Viewer Pro.

How to Index and Search EML Email Files?

.Eml Email files represented as envelopes.
MailDex software box.
Encryptomatic LLC logo across the top, 
MailDex logo, and text reading:
Email Manager and Converter
Indexing, Searching, Discovering, Converting, Saving Email as PDF, Visualizing Email Patterns.
Designed for Windows Computers.
Easy and Unlimited
30 Day Guarantee.
MailDex Windows software for indexing email and file attachments.

Searching through large quantities of .EML formatted email files is a daunting task. MailDex software for Windows by Encryptomatic LLC makes the job easy. MailDex will build an index you can search. The index will contain the body text, and header information. You can even optionally choose to index files attached to the emails.

Download the MailDex free trial and follow along.

MailDex’s interface is project driven. That just means that you can have multiple MailDex indexing projects. The benefit of this is that you can create separate silo’s of email data. These silos are not mingled. For example, if you were working at a law firm and you were working on multiple cases, you could create a separate project for each case. Later, you can permanently delete an email indexing project without impacting the other cases.

Step one is to create an email project in Maildex.

This is the MailDex software full user interface. It has selectable options on the top,  indexing projects on the left. On the right it reads "Getting Started with Maildex". Below that are icons reading: User Guide, Support, Email, Quick Start Videos, Home Page.
In the lower right segment is a list of emails that can be selected and viewed.
MailDex Main Screen

From the left side of the MailDex main screen, click on “New” to create a new project, and give it a name. After clicking OK, your new project will appear on the left side.

Screen image of MailDex New Project box.  It says, "New Project.  Project Name: "CASE 10282".
"Index Attachments" is checked as an option.  
Create a new project in MailDex

If you hover over the project name, MailDex will show you the status. Of course, we haven’t added any emails yet, so the status is empty.

Screen image of hover text. 
It "Project: Case 10282", Files ), Index 0, In Progress: False, Queued: 0, In Error: 0.
MailDex project status

The next step is to add emails to your new project. You can add one eml file, select multiple eml files, or even better, just add an entire Windows folder of .eml email files. There is no limit to the number of eml emails MailDex can index.

Screen image showing the location of the "Add File" and "Add Director" buttons. Text reads, "96,053 emails indexed.
Add Emails to Your Project Using the Add file and Add directory buttons.

MailDex supports more than just .eml emails, though. It can also index MBOX, EMLx, PST, OST, and MSG emails as well.

After adding emails to your project, MailDex automatically indexes them. After a short indexing period (indexing file attachments will take longer), you are ready to search your new email data base.

Screen image showing the location of the Search tab, with selectable icons "Advanced Search" and "Find in Current Message." A Search Box for simple search, and a check box for Regular Expression.
MailDex supports simple email string search and advanced search.

From the MailDex search tab, you can do a “quick search” to find all emails containing a specific string. An advanced search will allow you to set specific search conditions, such as searching between dates, or searching only emails sent between specific email addresses.

MailDex search criteria menu, allowing user to set conditions including search by sender, body, recipients, CC recipients, BCC recipients, delivery time and submit time. More conditions are available if the user scrolls further downl
Set specific email search by time and sender.

For more help or information on getting started indexing Eml emails with MailDex, post your question here! You can also email us with questions, or open a help ticket for full support.