There is more to a .eml email file than meets the eye. That’s because email client software wants to shield you away from the metadata contained in every email. Their goal is to give you a clean experience, showing you only the most important parts of an email, such as the message body, sent date, subject, and sender. Most people have no interest in or understanding of the data hidden deep inside every email file.
EmlViewer Pro is a Windows email viewer by Encryptomatic LLC. It provides email “power users” with useful features to delve info the email infrastructure to suss out data that can reveal important truths about an email, including whether it was tampered, where it was sent from, and the email servers it passed through on the way to its final destination.

You’ll find this uncommon capability on EmlViewer Pro’s Mail Tab, in the Properties area. Clicking on Properties brings up the window where you can begin your email deep dive.

The Transport Header in a Eml file shows whether an email was sent, the path it took, and even may contain information about the mail sever software that handled the message.

The General Information tab gives you a quick over view of the most important email details, including the subject, sender, recipient, BCC, CC, delivery time, submit time, the location of the eml file, the email file format and file size.

The email Properties Tree provides access to the different Eml file properties, most of which are usually hidden from view. Clicking on the property reveals the meta data stored in that field.
For more information or a 15 day free trial of Eml Viewer Pro (also known as PstViewer Pro), download the software from this website. Full install and uninstall software support is provided during your trial