Using EML Viewer Pro To Read .EML Files

Screen image of eml file viewer.

A .eml file viewer will let you open email files created by applications like Winmail and Outlook Express. But what if you need to open other types of email files, such as Outlook .pst or .ost files or .msg files? Will you need to install three more software packages to be able to access the email stored within those files?

Now there is an email viewer available that allows able to manage multiple email formats while providing a single view across all of your different email content formats.

EML Viewer Pro by Encryptomatic LLC is an advanced email viewer. It is in use in many enterprise environments, and is available as a .msi installer package.  It is also easy enough to use that it can be used by small business and home users to manage their email.

EML Viewer Pro is also capable of reading not only .eml formatted email messages, but also Outlook .pst  and .ost files and .msg files. EML Viewer can display emails that are formatted as html, text or rich text files.  It can also convert all of these types of email formats into PDF files, including the file attachments.

All emails are not created equally. In fact, some are quite complex files. They can include html rich text, file attachments, and embedded pictures. One of the areas where email viewers often fall short is in dealing with OLE embedded objects within the email. Writing software code to handle these situations is very difficult and prone to errors, and as a result these objects are often not shown correctly, are inaccessible, and omitted during the rendering of the email.  PstViewer Pro excels at rendering these difficult emails, the product of years of experience and testing across millions of email.

Click here to download a 15 day free free trial of EML Viewer Pro.

Converting EML Emails to ODT or DOCX Format

Screen image of docx/odt email export profiles.

For some time, EML Viewer Pro users have been asking us to add the ability to bulk convert .eml files into editable documents that they can use in MS Word or an open source editor such as Libre Office.  With the release of EML Viewer Pro 5, we’re glad to finally tell you that we have added this ability to your software.

EML Viewer Pro can now bulk export .eml or .msg email files directly to .ODT or .DOCX format.  The process for doing this as simple as selecting the “Export to ODT” or DOCX profile from the list on the main toolbar.   For the benefit of readers who have not tried EML Viewer Pro yet, we’ll walk you through the process in this article.

Convert .EML Files to .ODT or .DOCX Documents With EML Viewer Pro

The first step of course is to have Eml Viewer Pro (also known as PstViewer Pro) installed on your Windows computer.  You can download it from here. A free trial will last a full 15 days.

When EML Viewer Pro starts, use the folder navigation on the left side of your computer to locate a directory with .eml or .msg files.  The messages will be read into EML Viewer Pro’s mail list.

Image shows emails displayed in EML Viewer Pro mail list.
Emails displayed in mail list

Select the email messages that you want to export to .odt/.docx format.  You can select them individually, or type Ctrl-A to select all of the messages in the list.  Note that we do not limit the number or emails you can convert at one time. Generally, we encourage you to work in batch of 10,000 emails or less, but larger numbers are also supported.

After your .msg or .eml files are selected, choose either the “Export to ODT” or “Export to DOCX” export profile from the dropdown list on the main toolbar.

Select the email export profile from the drop down list.

Now click the “Start” button to begin the export operation (the start button is the green arrow pointing to yellow paper on the left side of the drop down list).  You may be asked to select a folder the DOCX or ODT files will be placed.

Images shows the Browse for Folder, and selectable folders.
Select a folder for the odt/docx files

And that’s all there is to it!  The short video below recaps the process of converting .eml or .msg into .odt using Eml Viewer Pro  EML Viewer Pro is $69.99 for a single license.
Download a free 15 day trial and try it yourself!

Update: EmlViewer Pro 8 will soon include the ability to combine multiple .eml email files into a single .DOCx file for editing. Contact our support team to learn more.