Combining .EML and .MSG Emails For Search and Export

Software screenshot.
Screen shot of PstViewer Pro email viewing and PDF software.
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If you work to respond to public records data requests for emails, then you probably know how difficult it can be to search a folder of individual .msg or .eml email files.  When it’s important to consolidate many .msg/.eml files into a single combined list, PstViewer Pro can help.

PstViewer Pro by Encryptomatic LLC will read folders of .msg or .eml messages and organize them into a list that can be searched and filtered.

Screen shot of PstViewer Pro filtering screen.
Consolidate multiple .eml and .msg emails into a single search operation.

You can search across tens of thousands of files to identify those that are relevant to your query.

PstViewer Pro can also save you time by exporting your .eml/.msg files into a PDF document.  It supports several important PDF export modes including single PDF, append an email to a PDF,  export individual PDF files. extract file attachments, convert file attachments into the PDF image, or embed attachments within the PDF.

You can also consolidate .msg and .eml emails into a single MBOX file, an open sourced storage specification for emails that is supported by many email clients.

Learn more about PstViewer Pro and download a free 15 day trial on the product website,

EML to CSV: Bulk Convert .EML Email Files To a List

Screen shot showing CSV selected a export format.

Professionals who regularly work with E-Mail understand the importance of being able to batch convert a large number of .eml email files to a text format. Whether you need an easily searchable text version of E-Mails, or if you just need to capture basic E-Mail header information in a text format,  EmlViewer Pro can help. This capability is included with every copy of EmlViewer Pro.

How to Convert .Eml to CSV

To follow along with this tutorial, download a free trial of EmlViewer Pro. The trial will allow you to export up to 50 E-Mails per export operation.  This restriction is of course removed from the registered version of the software.

When EmlViewer Pro first starts, use the folder explorer on your left hand side to select the folder where your .eml files are stored.  EmlViewer Pro will then read those E-Mail files into an organized list.

If you want to convert all of the E-Mails in the list to .csv/text, you can select them all for export by typing Ctrol-A.  Selected E-Mails will be highlighted in blue.

Exporting .eml into .csv format lets you then import E-Mails into Microsoft Excel.
EmlViewer Pro screen shot with .eml files highlighted for export.

Next select the Export tab.
From the drop down list, choose the CSV export profile, as shown in the image below.

Export .eml E-Mails into a .csv file. This image shows the CSV export profile selected in EmlViewer Pro.
Save Email Data to a CSV File.
Select CSV Export Profile

The last step is to click the “Export” button to begin the operation.  EmlViewer Pro will proceed with saving the select .eml E-Mails into a text-based Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. The .CSV file will be written to a folder location that you indicate.

Clicking on the .CSV file will cause it to open in your default spreadsheet application. In the image below, the CSV file has been opened in Microsoft Office Excel 2013.

.Eml Files Imported to Microsoft Excel From a .CSV File.

The E-Mail content has now been organized into columns that include the following fields:
From, Subject, Date, To, CC, Message Body, file attachment information, and a link to the original .eml file.

These columns can re-arranged or deleted, searched or otherwise manipulated.

While the trial version of EmlViewer Pro restricts export operations to 50 E-Mails, there is no limited to the number of .Eml files that may be converted to .CSV in the registered version.

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