EML to PDF Export: Selecting the PDF Page Format

Screenshot showing toolbar for email conversion software.

EML Viewer Pro is an email viewer for Outlook .eml files that can also bulk convert .eml emails into .pdf files. We received this comment from a reader today, and thought it would be useful to expand our answer into a blog post for everyone:

“In Europe we use A4 paper format. Can EML Viewer Pro support A4 formatting whilst exporting to PDF?”

The answer is yes. EML Viewer Pro does support A4 and many other common ISO page formats. Currently, the following page sizes are supported for PDF export:

  • North American Letter, Note and Legal
  • Eurpoean A0 through A10, including A4
  • B0 through B5
  • Arch A through E
  • Fisa
  • Half Letter
  • Ledger
  • Letter 11×17

If you don’t see your page format in the list above, you can select “Custom” and define your own page formatting.  EML Viewer Pro also supports landscape and portrait printing.

Here is how to set your preferred page formatting while converting EML files to PDF files with EML Viewer Pro.

First start EML Viewer Pro and then select the “Export Profile” that you want to change. In this demonstration I’ll choose “PDF – attachments embedded.”  I do this from main EML Viewer Pro toolbar.

Selecting the .pdf export format.
PDF-attachments embedded.

Next, click the “Edit Profile” button, which I have highlighted in yellow in the above image to bring up the “Export Profile Editor.”

Set the default pdf eml export setings using the profile editor.
EmlViewer Pro Profile Editor.

I’ve highlighted the fields where you will indicate the desired page size and the landscape mode.  When the changes have been made to your satisfaction, click “OK” to save your settings.

That’s all there is to it!  This export profile will now use A4 or any other page formatting or landscape setting you specified when you export EML files to PDF.

If you need a little more detail, here is a video to accompany this article.

Download a free trial of EML Viewer Pro.

Appending .EML Emails To An Existing .PDF File

Screenshot showing toolbar for email conversion software.

Encryptomatic LLC, the developers of email viewing software, has released update 4.7 for both EML Viewer Pro and EML Viewer Lite.  These releases include PDF Append, a new pdf management feature for people who regularly need to save .eml files or other email file types to a single pdf file.

The PDF Append capability helps you convert an individual .eml file into a new or existing pdf file. This is a useful feature if you want to create a single pdf file that contains multiple email messages. One of the use-cases for PDF Append involved a legal assistant who was given the responsibility to collect specific email communications into a single pdf file.  Prior to this ability being added to EML Viewer Pro, she would export the messages individually and then use different software to merge the pdf documents into a single file, a process she found cumbersome and time consuming.

With PDF Append, she can now export these email messages to a new or existing pdf file. As the emails are discovered, she can append them to a single pdf document, with no need to run another software package.

Toolbar includes function to append email to existing pdf file
PDF Append in EML Viewer Pro toolbar


Export .eml to pdf - toolbar image
PDF Append in EML Viewer Lite toolbar

To use this functionality, first start EML Viewer Pro or Lite and then select the folder containing your .eml files.  The software can also read .msg, .mht, .ost and Outlook .pst files.  Click on an email you want to export so it is highlighted in the mail list.  Now, click the +PDF button and enter a name for the file. The email message will be converted to PDF.

To add another email to the PDF file you just created, follow the same process, except select the pdf file you just created as the target.  The previous PDF file will be appended with your new email message.

EML Viewer Pro and Lite are very flexible email views. In addition to .eml files that are created by Outlook Express, Windows Mail and other email clients, they can also view and search Outlook .pst, .ost, and .msg files, and also .mht files. The PDF Append function works with all of the email formats supported by EML Viewer Pro and Lite.

For more information or to download a free trial of EML Viewer Pro, visit the product’s home page.